

Automated advice, Peer to Peer (P2P) and VASPs

If you’re a Fintech, you’ll need legal and compliance support from a firm that not only has an in-depth knowledge of financial services, but is able to take a practical approach to help you establish where you fit within the regulatory network and deal with the relevant regulators.

Automated Advice and Investing

There is no specific regulatory framework to deal with robo-advice or other types of automated investing, so participants must fit into an existing regime. ASIC’s RG 255 discusses its view to providing digital financial product advice to retail clients.

We act for a significant portion of the digital advice industry and welcome questions about entering into this market.

Peer-to-peer lending, investing, foreign exchange, payments, you name it!

Technology has removed the need for a trusted “middle man”. We act for many peer-to-peer providers, many of whom are captured by Australia’s financial services, credit and AML/CTF legal frameworks.

You may need to apply for an AFSL, apply for an ACL, enrol with AUSTRAC, or get relief from existing regulation – but leave that for us to find out!

Our commercial team can also assist with the commercial needs of a start-up, from employment contracts to leases and terms and conditions.

Crypto & Fintechs

We help both startups and Unicorns grow in the highly-regulated Australian market.  The size of our teams across Melbourne and Sydney make us attractive to businesses looking for top-tier quality and a responsive and nimble team of experts.  If you’re a fintech looking to apply distributed technologies to your businesses, you’ve come to the right place.


Useful insights for Fintech businesses and start-ups

Blog Update
Blog Update
How can a computer comply with the Best Interests Duty (BID)?

The best interests duty Section 961B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“the Act”) requires a provider of financial product advice to act in the best interests of the client…

Recent Insight
Recent Insight
How to be a Responsible Manager – Competence & Responsibilities

The Responsible Manager (RM) is one of the most important positions that an Australian Financial Services (AFS) Licensee has to maintain.  They are the person (or, more likely, persons) who…

WEBINAR: Going 'green' – Current trends
WEBINAR: Going 'green' – Current trends

Whether you are actively seeking to create an environmentally conscious investment option or responding to client demands, it is crucial to consider how your obligations as an AFSL and/or ACL holder factor in.